For the last week, i have been sequestered at this computer completing the last requirement for my master's degree, A research project on opening a bike shop near my home town in Galesburg Illinois. This morning I emailed the paper to my professor hoping that I did well enough to pass so I can graduate in June. I don't mind writing; if I did, I probably wouldn't do this Blog, but I hate the anticipation of hoping that my writing is well enough to pass. When it comes to math or taking tests, I always strive for an A but when it comes to writing simply passing is good enough. By the looks of my computer nook, you can see that I am not the most organized person and I put the project off until the last minute as I tend to have to be under pressure before I can get the words to paper.
Now that I am done with the paper, I can delve into organizing the house we moved into last month. I am currently working on turning the garage into my "man-cave". I just picked up a nice blue Craftsman tool cabinet. I still need to clean and organize all the bikes so I can have room to work on bikes. I have managed to keep enough room to drive the car in which has been so nice since, it used to get covered with dust from all the construction in the old house. 

Two weeks ago, I competed with Ben, Casey and Steve Chirco in the Hawaii State Team Time Trail Championship. We were a very well matched team. Steve is an animal and was willing to take long pulls keeping our average speed over 25 mph. The rest of us would give it all we had for as long as we could. The combination worked superb as we won our category and had the 6th fastest time of the 30 plus teams.
Two weeks ago, Chris and I started doing the South Beach Diet. This time Chris took care of the cooking and menu planning which made a huge difference. I tend to half-ass it when it comes to the cooking taking short cuts and trying the easy meals like grilled chix breast and green beans. Chris has turned it into a gourmet cooking competition. The meals have been great and I am shedding the lbs. I am down to 184 which I haven't been at in over 10 years. I was a little concerned that the lack of Carbs would hurt the bike but it hasn't. I seem to be a lot stronger on the hills and as strong on the flats. I have been supplementing with some carbs but only complex ones with lots of fiber. I had even gone for almost 2 weeks with out a beer but broke down and had one tonight.
Last weekend I took the entire weekend off from the bike. This weekend I am heading up to the northshore for a nice ride with the HACC. I love the northsore rides but haven't been able to ride up there for over a month due to other conflicts. Next week I start training hard for the 40 k TT. I hope for a top 5 finish. We will see how many pro triathletes show up to rain on my parade.
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