I got home from my ride around 9 am. Everyone else was still asleep. After I rousted the troops, I checked the Turkey. Our goal was to get it done around 1200 to free up the oven for the rest of the meal so we could eat around 2. I checked the turkey expecting it to be slowly reaching
doneness. However, since I was cooking it in a roasting pan and had the oven set at 350 instead of 325, the turkey was almost done and it was only 945. We had to kick the meal into overdrive. Luckily, Chris prepared many of the items on Wednesday so it wasn't too bad. Everyone kicked in to help.

We had everything finished and started eating by 12. It was the earliest Thanksgiving meal I have ever eaten. It was kind of nice getting done so early as we were able to go down to Waikiki and take in some of the sites including a nice sunset at Ala Moana beach and the Christmas lights.

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