Since the advent of my facebook account, I have been very delinquent on updating my Blog. I am not sure if there are any readers out there who happen still to follow the blog, but alot has gone on in my life since my last entry. In November, I found out that I did make Chief.

Since then there has been a whirlwind of activity. The promotion put me in the unique situation of being an overage in the Air Force's eyes so I had to find a new job. The list of options came out towards the end of November. My choices were Minot or Grand Forks North Dakota, Colorado Springs, Fort Walton Beach Florida and San Antonio. I applied for the positions in San Antonio and Colorado Springs. Both the position and location appealed to me for SA and the CS offered the best location. I lucked out and got my first choice with an original report date of 11 Feb 10 which I was able to move back to mid March.
Heather made it to Hawaii for one last visit for Christmas. We had our final Christmas Beach visit. We completed the Holiday with my promotion/New Years Party. January flew by. I attended a week long Chief's Orientation Course where I learned about everything from how to tell which water glass is yours at a formal dinner to how to manage your assignments. My parents, sisters, nieces, and Stephanie all flew out for the Chief Induction Ceremony. This was probably the coolest military ceremony I have had the privilege to attend.
February's activities focused on tying loose ends at work and getting ready for our move. We started March with the packing out of all our worldly possessions and cleaning our our house before turning it back over to the housing office. I was able to squeeze in a few rounds of golf and a bike ride or two. We left Hawaii, on the 12th and landed in LA where we rented a car and drove to Oakland to visit my sister Gina and pick up the Escape for our drive to SA.
We spent the first week looking for a house before I started the job. We purchased our first new construction home out side of Cibolo. Courtney wanted us to move to Cibolo so she could go to the High School "Steele High School" due to the name of course and their outstanding band. Right now we have moved into the house but are living with out furniture except for a few folding lawn chairs and air matrices.
I can't believe how fast these last months have flown by. I am really looking forward to the challenges of the new job and enjoying living here. I made it out for my first ride and can't wait to get back into riding. Hopefully I can be better about updating this blog.