It has been a long time since I updated this thing. I am sure the few of you who read it are suprised that I am updating it now. I am flying to San Antonio Texas and can't sleep so I Am using my iPhone to type this up then I will transfer it to the blog.
My last post was in may so I guess I should cover the summer. Heather graduated in may so we all flew home to illinois. It is hard to believe I have two done with college. While we were home we traveled to Missouri to attend a dedication of the ROTC lounge at Rolla to my brother Josh.
June was also a busy month. One weekend chris and I were on the big
Island for a bike race while Courtney was on Maui with the girls scouts. The race was a stage race made up of 3 seperate races. I ended up with a first second and third taking the overall first for my catagory. Later in the month chris and I went to San Antonio for a conference while Courtney went to ca to visit my sister Gina. San Antonio was great we got to spend time with our friends Rose and Tony.
Heather came home for a visit in July. We always have a lot of fun at the beach and on the bikes. We even trieD paddle surfing. I also won the cat 4/5 state crit for the masters division.
I started august by traveling to japan. This time I went to Okinawa and I didn't see any snow but I did sweat a lot. My buddy curt came out for a week. The last weekend of the month my buddy john and i were riding on the windward side when a truck crossed in front of us. John wasn't able to stop and ran into the side of the truck breaking his collarbone, 3 ribs, and 3 vertabre. He will be off the bike for 3 months.
The highlight for Labor say weekend was the dick Evans round the island race. One of my goals for this year was a top 20 finish. I didn't think I had a shot but some how I pulled off a 17th place finish.
I also tested for chief on 10 sept. I had deci ded this would be the last time. If I don't make I will retire next summer. I felt pretty good about the test I just have to wait until November to find out.
Finally I decided to purchase a new car. I had planned on buying a vette then a mustang convertible but I ended up buying a ford escape....four cylinder. A little bit of a diversion from the powerful cars I started looking at. I think. My buddy Ron was a bit disappointed but I decided to go with something more practical that could hall Ginger and the bikes. It does have a 5-speed manual transmission so it is fun to drive and it gets good mileage. Maybe the muscle cars will come when we get back to the mainland.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
First time mtn biking after 6 months Time to get a new Helmet
Sunday I decided to go for a nice mtn bike ride at Royal Summit. I was suprised when I got there because there were a ton of riders. Come to find out, there was a race. I would have liked to have done race but I had to get back by 1200 to pick up Courtney and I didn't have $10 on me. I had a nice ride to the top then road around for a while before stopping to watch the racers. The course was kind of cool. It started at the top and went down the singletrack then carved back up the hill on more single track. After watching for a while I decided to give the singletrack climb a try. I made it up pretty until I attempted to adjust the volume on my IPOD. The next think I knew I was planting my forhead into the ground. Another Rudy Project helmet bit the dust leaving a nice mark on my forhead.
After I got home, I cleaned up the garage.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Hiking Up Biking Up
Last Sunday, Courtney and I joined my wife's cousin Paul for a hike. We started out hiking the Judd Trail which is a nice easy trail just off the Pali Hwy in Honolulu. The hike is very popular as well as having areas that were used during the filming of the series "LOST", As we hiked we intersected the Nuuana trial which headed up the ridge.
We decided to take the high road and climb. The trail switchbacked up until it intersected Tantalus Drive at the top. We kept climbing until we were on top then stopped to rest and take in the great views of Honolulu and the pacific ocean.
On the way down we stopped at a very popular swimming hole. The water was a little murky and it was kind of chili so we just relaxed abit and didn't take a dip.
This morning I finally made it up to Scholfield for the Saturday HACC ride.
We had a very good turn out and for the first time I remember, we all wore the same HACC Jersey. Today was a climbers ride as we climbed Koli Koli, Pupakea and Pinneapple twice. I felt very strong and managed to be the first to the top of each hill.
Tonight I finished the day with a great Steak, Sweet Potato and corn.
Tomorrow I am going to give mtn biking a try.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
North Shore Beach
This morning I overslept so I missed the HACC North Shore ride. Instead, I settled for 40 miles of intervals on Hickam. Not a great trade off but pretty good training. After I got home, I woke Courtney up for some homemade Blueberry Banana Pancakes. This weekend and next, it is just the two of us as the rest of the family are in Iowa watching Heather Play softball and enjoying that fine Midwest Spring weather, temps in the 50's and thunderstorms. After we finished our Brunch we took the cans and bottles to the recycle place then I drove to the bike shop on Dillingham. The shop catered mainly to the beach cruiser and singlespeed crowd but it did have 3 tandem bikes that were very reasonable.
When I finished at the shop, Courtney and I headed up to Wiamea Bay. It was kind of late when we got there but the parking lot was still full so I had to park at the botanical garden on the other side of the Kam. The park closed at 5 pm so we had to cut our time at the beach a little short.
After we finished at the beach we headed to Halewa for shaved ice and ice cream.
We stopped and picked up an order Chris made from JC Pennys that had a new dress for Courtney. She really looked nice in it.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Catching up the Blog
One Weekend, Two Tired Legs and Three Race Numbers
Two weekends ago, I had the crazy Idea that I could do a 10K run/race on Saturday, a time trial up Tantalus Sunday morning and finish it off with a crit Sunday afternoon. I mentioned it to Bryant and he was game for doing the same so I was locked in. Saturday morning Chris and I got up to head to Ford Island for the run. We were running a little late so I went straight to the start line failing to pick up my chip. I guess I should have read the flier so I would have known they were using chip timing. Oh well I was able to keep time on my my trusty Timex Ironman. Chris's Cousin Paul and His wife Mel were supposed to do the run. Unfortunately they were runing late as well and werent able to find a parking spot so they gave up and headed home.
I made some gateraid before the race to help with my hydration and energy. Unfortunately it didn't settle too well and my stomach bothered me most of the race. I started out with a couple of sub 7 min miles but slowed down each mile after the first. My final time was 45:19 pace 7:31, about 10 seconds off my Aloha run time.
Sunday morning we got up early and headed to tantlus. I could already feel the fatigue in my legs before i got on the bike. All the way up I kept telling myself, "why did you do the run". My time was in the mid 23 min range, the say as my training ride the week before and still 2 min faster than last year. I wonder how I would have done with fresh legs.
The afternoon crit was my best race. My goal was to avoid getting dropped. I finished with the 3rd chase group in 10th place. I am glad I took on all three races even though I probably would have done better in each had I not tried to do them all in one weekend.
I made some gateraid before the race to help with my hydration and energy. Unfortunately it didn't settle too well and my stomach bothered me most of the race. I started out with a couple of sub 7 min miles but slowed down each mile after the first. My final time was 45:19 pace 7:31, about 10 seconds off my Aloha run time.
Sunday morning we got up early and headed to tantlus. I could already feel the fatigue in my legs before i got on the bike. All the way up I kept telling myself, "why did you do the run". My time was in the mid 23 min range, the say as my training ride the week before and still 2 min faster than last year. I wonder how I would have done with fresh legs.
The afternoon crit was my best race. My goal was to avoid getting dropped. I finished with the 3rd chase group in 10th place. I am glad I took on all three races even though I probably would have done better in each had I not tried to do them all in one weekend.
Holy Week

Our family tradition has always been to attend all the Holy Week Services culminationg with Easter Vigil. This year was special because good friends of ours were completing thier faith journey and asked us to be sponcers. Courtney served at the massWe had the luck this year to have the Bishop visit us during Holy Week so the Confirmation Mass was Easter Sunday. We finished the weekend by having dinner at our Friend's house. It was a very nice time.
Well I caught up on the blog finally. There are probably a ton of spelling and grammer errors because Chris isn't hear to proof my posts. Hopefully I will do better at keeping it up todate.
Around the Island Ride

Chris flew to Iowa on Wednesday so she could spend some time with Heather before she graduates and see some of her Softball games. I was going to try to do a 10 K run at Kbay on Saturday and follow it up with some mtn biking but then Shannon emailed about plans to do a alternate route around the Island Ride so I changed my plans. We met at the Shoppette at 6:15 and headed to the Pali. I had my first and our only flat heading down the Kailua side at about 40 mph. Luckily it was a slow leak and didn't give completely out until i got to the stoplight at the bottom. It is an eary feeling riding on a low rear tire. The weather was perfect and we kept a nice pace only stopping a couple of times to refill our water bottles and empty our bladders. Shannon showed me a great route from Kunia to the bike path avoiding much of the traffic and stoplights that area is known for. I hope I can figure it out next time I head that way.
After we finished up the 86 mile ride, the girls and I grabbed a pizza and headed for the Kam beach with Ginger. She really enjoys it out there running around and playing with the other dogs.
After we finished up the 86 mile ride, the girls and I grabbed a pizza and headed for the Kam beach with Ginger. She really enjoys it out there running around and playing with the other dogs.
Well I caught up on the blog finally. There are probably a ton of spelling and grammer errors because Chris isn't hear to proof my posts. Hopefully I will do better at keeping it up todate.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Three Busy Weekends
The next weekend I competed in the State Championship Team Time Trial with Bryant, Steve C. and Shannon. I knew we would have a pretty strong team. The race went very well, we worked together and came across the line fast enough to win the overall Mixed title and were the 6th fastest team.
There weren't any races the next weekend so I was able to spend some quality time with Chris. Friday night we went to JR Rockers and listened to the band. The band was very good and played a nice mix of classic rock and more modern stuff.
Saturday morning we ran some errands and decided to stop and test drive a couple of cars. I have been getting the hankering for a sports car. I have always loved Corvettes and told myself that if I make chief next fall I am going to get one. However, a couple of other cars have caught my eye since, the saturn sky and nissan 350z, so we decided to check them out. Both were fun to drive. The z had more power but the sky was a convertable. Chris had me stop so she could take my pic.
What do you think?
Sunday was very relaxing. We took Ginger out to the Beach by the old Kam housing and let her run on the sand bar. She seemed to have a good time and got some much needed exercise. However, she ended up hurting one of her front paws and was limping for the next couple of days. She is fine now but we were quite concerned for awhile.
Publish Post
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
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